S p o r t s
C o n s u l t a n c y
We’re a global sports agency. We connect brands to fans through passion. In the last 20 years, we have successfully designed, built and managed major projects in the global sports industry.
R i g h t s m a n a g e m e n t s
In VERTO we support "rights holders" in maximising the ROI from commercial rights. We have created an Experts Team made up of professionals with experience at the highest levels in the world of Sport. Our Experts Team can count on an international network to structure, develop and promote commercial rights in a large number of territories. Experience, know-how and innovative sports marketing tools create the right mix for optimal management of commercial rights at the media, off-line and on-line levels.
To support brands interested in investing in the world of Sport, our Experts Team has innovative analysis tools to identify the best solutions, crossing the objectives, needs, targets and habits, to identify the most categories and categories that can maximise the ROI.
S p o n s o r s h i p c o n s u l t a n c y
Within VERTO, important consultants with experience at the highest levels of international sport, combined with a dynamic team and cutting-edge marketing tools, form the perfect mix to support companies in defining the best investment strategies in the world of sport.
What is the most suitable sport in relation to marketing objectives? Where they are and what are the habits and interests of the targets to which the company intends to address, are fundamental elements in defining investments in sports sponsorships. We at VERTO are a creative, innovative and highly experienced partner in managing every phase of the sponsorship process.
D i g i t a l e c o s y s t e m
Digital is no longer an option.
It has become an essential part of the marketing mix for rights holders and sports brands. Today we talk about a Digital Ecosystem to understand how it delivers value through an ever-changing media landscape.
We provide in-depth analytics and insights alongside a suite of digital tools which, combined with extensive expertise, help clients to understand better online ‘brand fit’, social media valuation, brand exposure online and share of voice.
S p o n s o r s h i p a c t i v a t i o n s
At VERTO we create innovative communication and Fan Engagement strategies to maximise the investment in sponsorship. The acquired rights and properties are integrated into the marketing strategy, both external and internal to the company. Each communication channel becomes an integrated element in an articulated and detailed implementation and optimisation plan. The entire strategy is constantly monitored, through innovative analysis tools to support the definition of the next steps.
S p o r t s c e r e m o n i e s
We are an agency specialised in sports entertainment, sports production, stadium shows and experiential marketing. Over the past 20 years, we have produced sporting events broadcast worldwide for some of the leading global sport makers. We are proud of the strong relationships we have developed with rights owners, IP owners, television production companies, stadiums and arenas, international sponsors and various other stakeholders in the world of sports entertainment.
F a n z o n e
In VERTO, we have designed, produced and managed Fanzone for the most important international sport makers for over 20 years. Our Activation Team is able to design Fanzone and Sports Villages, in relation to the many variants that allow you to create a successful project.
C o r p o r a t e h o s p i t a l i t y
We love to design experiences that are stimulating, formative and create a strong interaction and social level.
Within VERTO, we have a division dedicated to the design of corporate experiences. Our international network has a deep know-how and strong relationships for the design of hospitality projects all over the world, in the most diversified sports fields.
Our Activation Team can support you in managing the entire project, from design to complete logistics, concluding with attention to every little detail that makes the experience unforgettable.
In 20 years we have carried out high-profile projects for some of the most important companies in the world of sport.
S p o r t s e v e n t s
We love to make an event look amazing, well-executed in every detail, to go beyond the expectations, you need to have a natural appetite for perfection.
The “secret formula” is to build a Team with top professional figures that include: brave and fearless Creatives that are able to imagine the impossible, a client “crazy enough” to trust you, passionate craftsmen for the production and the selection of the materials, expert event managers for the “on air” activities, a top-quality pool of long term suppliers that can follow you in every new challenge.
S o c i a l r e s p o n s i b i l i t y
At VERTO Corporate social responsibility events are a truly impactful and innovative way, for companies, to support their communities, to give back tangible support to people in needs, to link their brand to important and widely recognised values. The Sports Makers and the Brands involved in sports can play a major role as the promoter of positive communication. Using business to create positive change in the world is a "win-win" scenario.
S p o r t s b r a n d i n g
In VERTO, we have developed an international network for the creation and management of branding processes related to the world of sport. International consultants, with experience in creating the graphic identity of the most important sporting events, constantly collaborate with our team. VERTO has supported several Sport Makers and brands involved in the world of sport, in numerous successful projects.
S p o r t s m a s c o t s
The conception, design, creation and activation of a successful mascot require the joint work of an important team of professionals. In VERTO we have created, since 1999, a first-class team, able to support sports companies, sport makers and commercial partners, in the realisation of successful experiences.
Passion, experience, professionalism, quality, safety
Here at VERTO, the word partnership becomes knowledge, anticipation, passion, disruption and teamwork. Welcome to our new partners.